Thursday, December 3, 2009


Heinrich Kühn, Miss Mary and Edeltrude at the Hill Crest

This image was photographed by the method called Autochrome. Autochrome was the very first process which could produce a colour image though very grainy. This image is mostly of sky and of two people on a hill. They appear to be children. We do not see their faces because they are probably caught up doing something or are simply distracted by the big beautiful clouds in front of them. The image has very soft focus and seems to have been photographed during summer time or perhaps spring.

The intention of the photographer was to photograph something very whimsical. Although the image itself doesn't have anything unusual happening with in the frame the blurry figures and sky is just so dreamy, like child's play. It was photographed to bring back warm memories and to get an emotional reaction of nostalgia.

I think this image is just so cheerful it is hard not to smile while looking at it. When I searched for images this caught my attention right away. It looks almost like a painting and the colours are just so soft, warm and inviting. I thought I should choose something more photographic but I just coming back to this one. It really just grabs my attention. I'm just so curious as to what it is they are doing and I want to be there to enjoy the summer's day along with them.

This image is great. It makes the viewer curious and gives them a sense of wonder. Everyone wishes they could go back to their childhood and re-experience it, this image definitely brings us back to that place of pure comfort and delight. Everything is mystical and possible in the eyes of a child and the white fluffy clouds that seems almost too good to be true re-enforce that thought of our past childhood. The image might have been better if it was just a tiny bit clearer though. I love the fact that it is blurry and that shows how as children we fall between reality and make-believe but it still is photography and it would have been nice to see somethings a little more in focus to show that this isn't a painting. Overall the image is just a joy to look at but because it is TOO blurry I only give it a 7/10.
-Katherine Dydyk

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